Join the Band

Currently there are no free positions. Below you can read more for the benefits of band participation.

Intelligent Children

Intelligent_kidsMusic is an integral part of our lives. From an early age children show enthusiasm and interest in music – they sing, dance in front of the mirror, imitate playing instruments. According to the research of leading psychologists, children should be allowed to sing (even loud) and dance freely. This strengthens their  self-confidence, and encourages them to show their worth. Furthermore, it stimulates both left and right brain hemispheres, and develops children’s motor skills. It is proved nowadays that music is also a source of physical and psychical health, growth, knowledge, and positive thinking. It helps children achieve a better expression of their capacities; it stimulates their creativity. Studying music promotes children’s development in several aspects:
• It helps children concentrate and work purposefully;
• It reduces stress and overcomes fatigue and apathy;
• It develops aesthetic views;
• It strengthens mutual relations and friendship;
• It is a source of energy and vitality.
Children who study music get better test scores, and mature as well-focused
individuals. As a whole, studying music improves children’s intelligence, particularly their
mathematical skills.


IMG_2423.JPGPlaying in a MARCHING BAND gives a child the sense of strength, security, and belonging to a group. It cultivates teamwork skills from early age. In fact, teamwork is a key characteristic of the MARCHING BAND activities. Children develop awareness that each one is a responsible part of a working system. In order to get a satisfying result, they know that they have to work together in a perfect unity. The hierarchical structure of such a band follows the organizational pattern of many public and private institutions. That is why children are easily introduced to the basic rules of teamwork and to the responsibilities they have to take on, as being a part of a whole.

IQ development

“Regular practicing of a musical instrument changes the brain architecture and stimulates its activity. Playing music can be used as a therapy for improving memory, as well as verbal and cognitive skills. As a result, one could think faster, plan more efficiently, become more sensitive toward the others. Playing musical instruments raises children’s and adults’ IQ with more than 7 points.

Children who study musical instruments are more disciplined, thorough, and prudent. All this leads to better academic achievements, and improves children’s intelligence. Music facilitates language studies, as well as interpreting others’ emotions, simply because it sharpens the hearing and the receptivity.”

Lutz Jaencke, psychologist, Zurich University (Daily Telegraph)

Satisfied Parents

Happy_ParentsChildren get recognition in an extended family circle. They make their parents proud and happy. Everybody loves family gatherings and parties with live music, performed by the beloved children. This can explain parents’ positive attitude towards MARCHING BANDS: children demonstrate skills, which go beyond parents’ expectations.



Gaining School Prestige

school_prestigeSuch an educative initiative as MARCHING BAND positively gains public prestige for the school. It is due to several factors:

  • The school institution builds a strong identity and gets recognition. The emblems and symbols, the color and design of the uniforms validate its public image.
  • Everyone approves and admires the skills, acquired by the children. Society demonstrates a really positive attitude towards such an initiative.
  • School’s participation at different forums is additionally supported by its students, which puts the school in the full glare of publicity.
  • Until recently, the tradition of school bands existed in Bulgaria as well.

Such type of activities strengthens everybody’s confidence, and makes students and teachers proud of their nice and modern schools.

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